Collection: 6.0 Ford Powerstroke all parts

Here are our rebuild kit parts for the 2003-2007 Ford 6.0 Powerstroke turbo charger. The 2003-early 2004 Powerstroke turbo uses a turbine housing that is machined deeper to fit 15mm wide vanes and a 10 blade 66.4 x 72mm turbine (exhaust)  wheel. The 10 blade turbine in the 2003-2004 turbo creates a loud whistle out the exhaust of this turbo. 

The 2004.5 - 2005 6.0 Powerstroke uses a 66.4 x 72mm 13 blade turbine and 13.2mm wide vanes. 

The 2005.5-2007 uses a 64mm x 72mm 13 blade turbine which uses 13.2mm wide vanes and a turbine housing machined to match. 

Our 6.0 Powerstroke GT3782VAS turbo rebuild kits and billet compressor wheel and housing upgrade kit work in a 3 models of the GT3782VAS turbo chargers.

The cab and chassis 6.0 Powerstroke has a GT3576VA turbo which is a small version turbo that looks similar to a GT3782VAS turbo charger, but the housings, and rebuild kit parts are all smaller and no man of the GT3782VAS parts fit the GT3576VA turbo charger.